WWE: 11 People You Didn't Know Were Under Contract

2. Steve Austin

You thought Austin wasn't under WWE contract? He actually is, the leaked Raw script revealing that WWE lists him as available under an 'Ambassador' capacity. This deal is more in place to keep control of WWE's interests in Austin as a historical brand, it isn't a deal where they could utilise him in any major capacity beyond the odd promotional comments. An example would be Austin's role at the WWE Network launch, when he was used as a promotional face of the company. Something like his WrestleMania 30 appearance is different. This wasn't under his deal, it wasn't Austin the man, it was Austin the character. Therefore WWE had to work out that deal as a separate piece of business. Austin had previously stated he wouldn't come back to TV for anything other than something major.... 3 icons in the ring, Austin, Rock and Hogan, fulfilled that wish. You can also bet that Austin got plenty of money for that spot, he has always been one of the savviest businessmen amongst the wrestlers.
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WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.