WWE: 11 Reasons Brock Lesnar Breaking The Streak Is Justified

9. Taker Went Down Swinging

Given all the punishment that Taker has endured and survived across his 21 year reign of supremacy, it was going to take severe and brutal punishment to convincingly kill the streak. Even if he can't work a match up to his usual standards of excellence, it only makes sense that the conqueror of the streak throws an onslaught of devastating holds and finishers his way. With that said, no one should feel that Brock Lesnar didn't inflict enough pain to pick up the victory, or that Taker didn't fight valiantly to the bitter end. Not only is the F5 a finisher notorious for injuring superstars during Lesnar's initial run in WWE, Taker withstood three of them at the age of 49. Furthermore, the list of superstars that kicked out of the F5 could fit on a scrap of toilet paper, so kicking out of two is unprecedented. If Taker had kicked out of the third F5 the match possibly could have gone overboard in his monster-like depiction, and probably would have taken many viewers out of the match - provided they already weren't falling asleep from the poor in ring performances. Essentially, three F5s is a nice and believable number of finishers to end the streak on.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.