WWE: 12 Brilliant Moments Of Vengeance On Vince McMahon

7. DX Gives Vince A Mental Breakdown

If there's one other rivalry that could possibly top Vince and Austin, it was Vince and De-Generation X: another group of rebellious wrestlers looking to create havoc and have fun doing it, they did what they wanted when they wanted to without any permission from the boss. At the time that Triple H and Shawn Michaels brought back DX back in 2006, the fans knew that some funny business was about to go down. Michaels and Triple H made sure that Vince was poked fun of night after night, and even Vince at his angriest wasn't enough to stop the two hooligans from ridiculing him further than most employees would ever go. They did everything from spraying his plane with the DX logo, to messing with the production truck, to even showing off Vince's embarrassing "Stand Back" music video from the eighties. Vince had more than enough tomfoolery, and went to leave the Raw arena in his limo. DX pulled one last trick up their non-existent sleeves when they put a chain on the bumper of the limo causing the back wheels to be pulled right off. When Vince got out of the limo in a daze and saw that the DX logo was sprayed on his limo, he broke down and screamed out in anger. It was definitely a rough nice for Vince, and the fans almost felt sorry for the guy. Almost.

My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.