WWE: 12 Brilliant Moments Of Vengeance On Vince McMahon

6. Linda Kicks The Grapefruits

2001 was a great year for WWE, but it wasn't so great for The McMahon Family. Everybody had gone their separate ways, and each member was fighting a battle. Linda, Vince's wife, had a nervous breakdown and was in a comatose state shortly after Vince threatened her with a divorce, and Shane no longer wanted to be associated with his father. In an act of defiance he went and purchased WCW from right under his nose, which caused Vince to challenge Shane to a match at WrestleMania. Meanwhile, Vince was flirting and having romantic relations with WWE Diva Trish Status, which Stephanie certainly didn't approve of, and he would constantly make out with Trish even while Linda watched from her wheelchair. Mr. McMahon was at his lowest, and the fans couldn't wait to see Shane get revenge on him for the way he treated the family. During their match, with Foley as the special guest referee, Shane and Vince beat each other to a bloody pulp, and when Trish tried to get involved, Stephanie was there to fight her back. In one particular moment that stands out the most, Vince held a garbage can over his head ready to knock Shane out with it. Linda then rose from her chair, walked over to Vince, and delivered a mighty kick to the groin, which marked the beginning of the end as Foley got in his own punches on Vince, and Shane took his father down with a dropkick off the top for the three count. It was a great moment for every member of the McMahon family ... except for Vince of course.

My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.