WWE: 12 Employees Turned Whistleblowers

3. Mark Henry

This one may come as a bit of a surprise simply due to the fact that he's not only still employed with WWE, but also enjoys a semi-prominent position on the roster. Mark Henry was first signed to a very lucrative contract fresh off his appearance in the 1996 Olympics and was subjected to years and years of embarrassing angles and gimmicks before finally establishing himself by playing the *sskicking monster he should have been cast as all along. His reason for placement on this list is because back in April of 2008 the inductor of the Hall of Pain complained to Human Resources about Michael Hayes using a racial slur toward him at the WrestleMania 24 after party, causing Hayes to be suspended from his role as lead writer of SmackDown, leading to his demotion from vice president within the company. Henry also spoke out in the wake of the Chris Benoit tragedy where he told a Texas newspaper that he preferred to travel alone for fear of getting caught with his colleagues' drugs in the vehicle. He was quoted as saying "If they get caught, then I'd be (considered) guilty, too. If we get pulled over we're both going down." This couldn't have made Vince and the boys very happy, so it's somewhat shocking to consider that Mark Henry is still a top player in WWE.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.