WWE: 12 Employees Turned Whistleblowers

11. Sable

For about a three year stretch in the late 1990s, Sable was hands down the most popular diva the WWE had ever had, and still to this day her claim to that spot is debatable. She took the position women like Elizabeth and Sunny had pioneered and pushed it into the stratosphere with her risque outfits and adult content storylines. Despite making both her and the company millions and legitimately being one of the biggest draws in a male-dominated industry, Sable and WWE had a falling out, and in June of 1999 she filed a massive $110 million dollar lawsuit against the company, alleging that WWE "wanted her to participate in a lesbian storyline, expose her breasts on TV and appear in sexually degrading photos." The lawsuit charged that "professional wrestling has become increasingly "obscene, titillating, vulgar and unsafe." The irony is that many of the things Sable was suing for she had already done (exposing herself on TV, nude pictorials for Playboy) and when she returned to WWE just a few years later after settling out of court, she would continue to do (lesbian storyline, another Playboy spread, etc.)
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.