WWE: 12 Employees Turned Whistleblowers

5. Barry Orton

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AESuXY4ITH8 Sometimes the apple falls pretty far from the tree, rolls downhill and disappears into obscurity. Barry Orton was one such apple. The brother of the legendary Bob Orton, Jr. and uncle of current WWE superstar Randy, Barry wrestled under many different names in his uninspiring career. He appeared as Barry O., The Zodiac and Barrymore Barlow during his tenure, failing to make much of an impact anywhere he worked. But this Orton is more well known for what he did outside the ring than anything he accomplished while within it. During the early 1990s when accusations of drug and sexual abuse were being lodged against WWE at an alarming rate, Orton was one of the grapplers who appeared on the episode of The Phil Donahue Show that brought Vince McMahon face-to-face with the charges of impropriety. Alongside former WWF champs Billy Graham and Bruno Sammartino, Barry told a tale of sexual harassment that he had experienced at the hands of Terry Garvin, who wasn€™t even a WWE employee at the time of the alleged incidents. But since allegations were being made against Garvin while he was with WWE, Orton thought his story should be shared. The claims went nowhere and a settlement was reached between parties with the end result being Barry blacklisted entirely from the wrestling industry.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.