WWE: 12 Greatest Female Valets In The Business

2. Sable

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS2mB5n9-h0 She was the quintessential Diva of the Attitude Era. Sable may have started out as a stuck up, blue blood valet for Hunter Hearst Helmsley, but her leaving him for Marc Mero was the beginning of a bold new direction for WWE. Sex sells, and Sable was at the top of the leader board. Sable played against Marc Mero as the jealous boyfriend to show a whole new side of herself. Perhaps it's just the magic of professional wrestling that allowed a woman exposing so much of her body on television to play out as a feminine statement. It certainly eased the guilt for those who cared enough to feel it. Sable was never much of a wrestler, but her popularity made her the best choice at the time to revive WWE's women's division. Sable became a mainstream sensation when she posed for Playboy in one of the publications highest selling issues. In the process, Sable helped bring more eyes back to Monday Night Raw. Sable's grind and penchant for evening gown matches made her a lightning rod for criticism of WWE's more adult approach to its television product. That controversy certainly created cash and made Sable one of the first few images that pops up in anyone's head upon mention of the Attitude Era.
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Sean Gerber is the founder and editor-in-chief of ModernMythMedia.com.