WWE: 12 Moments That Genuinely Almost Ended Undertaker's Streak
8. HBK's Third Sweet Chin Music - WrestleMania 26
It seems pretty ludicrous to call Undertaker vs. Michaels II anything less than incredible, but that's what it looks like in comparison to their first go-around, because quite honestly, it's a match that may have featured too many finishers and didn't quite have the mystique that the first match held. Regardless, there were times in this match where Michaels appeared to be gaining the upper hand on Taker, and a lot of focus inevitably comes down to the leg injury that Taker sold really well throughout the entire match. From a wrestling purist's standpoint, the addition of moves like the Figure Four and Crossface on the part of Michaels was pretty awesome. The only time during this match where it really looked like the streak was over was when Michaels landed his 3rd Sweet Chin Music of the match. With a killer kick, Michaels scrambled for the pin only for Taker to power out after a 2 count. This moment is a fantastic illustration of why Taker's streak is so unique: there have been way too moments where even the most aware fans will start to question what they know about the streak. He always kicks out, but they manage to fool us at least a little bit every time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqrMychs2uc
I'm Andrew Hypes, and I'm aspiring to take over the world with my writing. I'm a senior at Capital University studying Journalism and Creative Writing. For the most part, I'll be writing about the WWE, but I'll try to get myself acclimated to other sections as well. For now, though, enjoy my musings on the insane world of Professional Wrestling.