WWE: 12 Moments That Genuinely Almost Ended Undertaker's Streak
6. Triple H's Sledgehammer - WrestleMania X-Seven
In the first of their three meetings at WrestleMania, Taker and HHH would engage in an incredibly physical and somewhat unbelievable matchup. The first half of the match was spent exploring the finer proportions of the Astrodome as the referee was knocked out cold for a suspiciously long time. The fighting on the outside made for good entertainment, but it just wasn't very practical in its execution. After Taker chokeslammed HHH off of a camera tower, Taker would begin to establish his dominance for the rest of the match. This dominance hit one major snag, though, when the sledgehammer was introduced into the match. Initially being used by Taker, HHH managed to get his hands on it. As Taker set up a Last Ride, HHH whacked him hard in the head with the sledgehammer. With the way Taker sold it, you would think the streak was about to end - he was out cold - but, of course, this is Taker we're talking about, so he managed to find a way out. Regardless, this was a scary moment, thanks in no small part to Undertaker's selling, which made it look like he was just hit a freight train. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOmBRiJjm0c
I'm Andrew Hypes, and I'm aspiring to take over the world with my writing. I'm a senior at Capital University studying Journalism and Creative Writing. For the most part, I'll be writing about the WWE, but I'll try to get myself acclimated to other sections as well. For now, though, enjoy my musings on the insane world of Professional Wrestling.