WWE: 12 Reasons CM Punk Will Return At Chicago Raw On Monday

3. The Lure Of A Wrestlemania Main Event

Wrestlemania 30 CM Punk has done it all in pro wrestling, with the exception of headlining Wrestlemania. He has stated time and time again that his last remaining ambition is to go on last at Mania. If WWE were to offer him this you would have to presume he would bite their hand off. It's too good of an opportunity for a man of Punk's pride and ego to turn down. He will always feel his career missed something if he doesn't do this. The whole walkout could have in fact been done to try and pressure Vince McMahon into placing him into the Mania main event. It might have worked. With Wrestlemania currently in creative tatters and WWE in need of a positive, they might take Punk back with the promise of making the show closer a triple threat. It certainly wouldn't make the event any worse and wouldn't be hard to work into the story. If Punk is coming back lured by the promise of main eventing Wrestlemania then the story needs to start with haste, if it doesn't begin in Chicago then it won't be happening at all.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.