WWE: 12 Reasons CM Punk Will Return At Chicago Raw On Monday

4. The Time Is Right For 'Pipe Bomb 2'

The similarities between right now and 2011 are staggering. Punk's contract is running out and he is unhappy. The WWE is being held up by the defiant superstar who is doing what he wants and not what the boss wants. The blurriness of whether it's a work or a shoot has the internet forums going crazy. Could it all be building toward another famous night in Chicago? It's a real dispute that is begging to be turned into a worked feud. If Punk turns up on Monday then you would expect an even louder Chicago reaction than three years ago. Wearing his StoneCold t-shirt and sitting on the ramp as he did in 2011 it would mark the sequel to his career defining angle. Punk could then finally break his silence, dropping a new pipe bomb in which he rips on WWE for all the issues surrounding Wrestlemania 30. The company and Punk could then use this to bounce the superstar into several potential Wrestlemania matches. It's a money angle waiting to happen. WWE and Punk know that the atmosphere has never been more perfect to create pure pro wrestling art. Both sides will be dumb if they don't play off this walkout and work together at the Chicago Raw to relight Punk's career as 'the voice of the voiceless.'
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.