WWE: 12 Reasons CM Punk Will Return At Chicago Raw On Monday

5. CM Punk Could Genuinely Show Up As A Fan

Instead of Punk turning up to Raw as a WWE employee, what if he just turned up as a Chicago local? It's an overdone angle when a WWE wrestler shows up to an event with a ticket to watch as a fan. But what if it actually happened for real? Phil Brooks loves to cause a bit of controversy, imagine if he actually bought a ringside ticket for Raw through a friend and turned up at Raw this Monday. WWE couldn't really stop him. Punk could wear that grey hoodie he donned at UFC to hide his identity, taking the hood down just as Raw went on air. It would cause a huge commotion which is exactly what Punk would get off on. Whether he would have the courage to sabotage Raw in this way and potentially cause a riot in the stands is debatable. WWE would probably switch camera angles and have security eject him but the buzz of the night will be set. Punk turning up for real as a fan in Chicago would be right up there in the history of shoot WWE incidents, if actions speak louder words then this should be Punk's reaction to the WWE controversy engulfing him.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.