WWE: 14 Greatest Ever Moments When Superstars Got Revenge

10. Randy Savage Bites Back

SummerSlam 1991: The match made in heaven. Randy Savage and his sweetheart Miss Elizabeth got married live on pay-per-view. Being the first on-screen marriage ceremony in WWE history, the tradition of them not going smoothly had not been established. So it was quite a surprise when two unexpected guests arrived and spoiled proceedings. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts and The Undertaker crashed the reception as Roberts would torment Elizabeth by hiding his pet snake Lucifer in the wedding presents whilst The Undertaker attacked Savage with his urn. For months following Roberts would cut promos at Savage safe in the knowledge that he was in a forced retirement after losing at WrestleMania to the Ultimate Warrior. Meanwhile Savage was publicly trying to get reinstated but WWE President Jack Tunney refused. Eventually Roberts did manage to bait Savage from the commentary table and into the ring during an episode of Superstars in October. Roberts attacked Savage and tied him up in the ropes before getting Lucifer to bite down on the Macho Man's arm. As a result of the attack Savage became successful at getting reinstated and got a match against Roberts at the Tuesday in Texas event. Savage picked up the win but was robbed of his vengeance once more as the two continued to brawl post-match, but Roberts got the upper hand and hit a series of DDT's in a brutal attack. Roberts wasn't finished there as he demanded that Elizabeth beg him to stop the assault. Unsatisfied with her pleas, Roberts slapped her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9PkUtoOGJ8 Savage would finally get his revenge two months later on Saturday Night's Main Event, when the two squared up again. Savage won the match with a diving elbow and would hit another on his rival after the contest.
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