WWE: 14 Greatest Ever Moments When Superstars Got Revenge

9. Undertaker And Kane Get Revenge On Each Other

Kane Taker

This entry is for two half-brothers getting revenge on each other. At Badd Blood 1997 the first ever Hell in a Cell match was interrupted by one of the most memorable debuts of all time. The Undertaker's half-brother Kane, led by their father Paul Bearer, tore down the cell door and confronted the Deadman. He then proceeded to Tombstone him to cost him the WWE Championship match. This was Kane's moment of revenge for Undertaker burning down the funeral home they had lived in as children, killing their family and scarring Kane. Undertaker had denied all these claims, but Kane's search for revenge would be revealed to be legitimate two years later as Undertaker revealed that Bearer's claims had in fact been true. Despite costing Undertaker the WWE Championship at Badd Blood, Undertaker refused to fight his flesh and blood and the two eventually began to team together. That was until Royal Rumble 1998, when Kane betrayed him by once again costing him the WWE Championship in a match against Shawn Michaels. Kane had come to save Undertaker from the many people who had interfered on Michaels' behalf before turning on him and Chokeslamming him into the casket. Under Bearer's instructions, Kane padlocked the casket shut and set it on fire atop the ramp. Before the event went off air it was revealed that Undertaker had somehow escaped the casket before the fire and he parted with a message to his half-brother that he shall not rest until their paths cross once again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_egp_Nflzzw This betrayal and the subsequent attack was finally enough for The Undertaker to decide that he wanted revenge on his half-brother and was finally willing to fight him. The two would lock horns at WrestleMania XIV when Undertaker made his return. In an epic battle of the monsters, it took three Tombstone Piledrivers to get there but Undertaker got his revenge (albeit short-lived thanks to a post-match attack).
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