WWE: 14 Gross-Out Moments That Made You Gag

6. HBK Gets Drug Tested

One can't argue that WWE loves its fair share of potty humour: from Vince McMahon getting a Stone Cold colostomy to Big Show eating laxative laced burritos, nothing is ever truly off limits under McMahon's watch. And during an intense 2006 feud between Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon we once again saw how low brow Vince would take his program in the name of an angle. While one of the lowest points in the feud was when Vince and Shane McMahon took on Shawn and "God", one of the grossest moments happened on a RAW a few months prior. After McMahon accused HBK of being on drugs he called the Showstopper down to the ring to preform a public drug test to embarrass Michaels. Vince mocked Shawn as he made him step inside a blocked off curtain arrangement and had a doctor make sure he gave a real urine sample. Since this is WWE, the crowd reacted with cheers and also recoiled in disgust as Michael's threw the entire specimen onto Vince and Shane as they fell down and flopped around comically. Even if it wasn't real pee (though with WWE you never know), just the idea and execution was gag worthy enough and definitely a moment WWE PG TV would like you to forget. As HBK said, though, "It's better to be p*ssed off than p*ssed on." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpLTdlbKLzc


My first WWE Network search? Mideon.