WWE: 14 Gross-Out Moments That Made You Gag

13. Mandible Claw/Mr. Socko

When Mick Foley debuted in the WWE as the boiler-room dweller Mankind, he needed a finishing move that fit his deranged persona, and The Mandible Claw certainly fit the bill. Mankind wore a finger sheath that wrapped his middle and ring fingers together and would shove those fingers in the mouth and under the tongue of his opponent, inspiring enough pain to garner a submission or cause a black-out. Watching someone shove their fingers in someone's else's mouth is gross enough to probably make this list as it is, but in 1998 Foley upped the ante on his own disgusting hold, and gave birth to one of the most iconic sidekicks in wrestling history. During a match with Mark Henry, instead of going for a pin, Foley instead removed a sock - revealed, of course, to be "Mr. Socko", a sock puppet he had tried to cheer Mr. McMahon up with a week prior - and covered his hand, before shoving his hand, sock and all, into Henry's mouth for the victory. Who would have thought that a dirty sock puppet, pulled out of Mick Foley's sweatpants would have been so enduring popular? Viewed objectively it was a nasty gimmick, but fans ate it up and despite it being one of the grossest finishers of all time, it is a beloved part of the repertoire of a still beloved star. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdJ8Toqy9z0

My first WWE Network search? Mideon.