WWE: 14 Gross-Out Moments That Made You Gag

12. Trish Gets Dumped

Although Vince McMahon has always been game for humiliating himself in the name of an angle, he's also always been fond of humiliating others, which Trish Stratus once found out first hand thanks to an angle with Vince, his daughter Stephanie, and William Regal. After Vince had told wife Linda that he wanted a divorce, it was clear Vince and Trish were having an affair, and this enraged Stephanie enough that the two women became locked in a bitter feud. One night before a tag match between Vince and Trish against Stephanie and Regal, we were treated to the sight of Mr. McMahon stirring up a mop bucket of some foul-looking nastiness, which he assures Trish will be used later in their match. Unfortunately, in a double cross worthy of a McMahon, Vince would turn on Trish and gleefully watch as Stephanie doused Stratus in the disgusting sludge, and even worse, Stephanie would grab Trish's hair and shove her face into the remains of the bucket. Vince then dumped Trish as she writhes around the ring covered in the brown sewage, and seeing Trish - notoriously billed as a manipulating heel - get humiliated in a such a disgusting way was still entirely gag-inducing. Of course, Vince wasn't done there, and the next week he had her crawl around and bark like a dog, because he doesn't ever do anything by halves. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6Hbys_pfDI

My first WWE Network search? Mideon.