WWE: 15 Best (As Themselves) Wrestler Cameos In TV & Movies

7. The Bushwackers Hate Cops - Family Matters

The plot: Television mega-nerd Steve Urkel invents "Snooze Juice," a drink that puts the drinker to sleep right away: per the laws of TV sitcoms, the drink is ingested by the wrestling tag team champions who happen to look exactly like Urkel and Carl Winslow. Urkel and Carl don the masks/tights and wrestle Luke and Butch - the Bushwackers - in a real fight for the tag team champions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP_erMZYcZY For those only familiar with The Bushwackers as the WWF comedy babyfaces, seeing Luke and Butch in heel-mode against Urkel and Carl is an added bonus. And the fact that the episode's story states that Luke and Butch are happy to put over the substitutes in a worked match until they find out that Carl is a cop- "WE BLOODY HATE COPS!"- is just delightful. Additionally, with his dad and friend/enemy in trouble, watching Eddie and his friend Waldo jump into the ring to help makes this one of the wackier wrestler/sitcom cameos listed.

The 'House is a father of two and husband of one in Minnesota. He is an improv comedian, and in his spare time follows WWE, MLB, The Simpsons, and Bob's Burgers. Growing up he was a huge fan of He-Man, and refuses to believe that it was in fact terrible.