WWE: 15 Best (As Themselves) Wrestler Cameos In TV & Movies

9. Mankind Referees a 3-on-2 Intergender Tag Team Match - Boy Meets World

Plot: In typical sitcom fashion, the guys and girls have a disagreement (this time, about an apartment) and decide to wrestle to determine a winner. The men- Eric and Jack- refuse to fight the three ladies because no referee is available: thankfully, Mankind knocks down the door and agrees to ref, although he shows an unfair bias towards the women (telling the men that there is no grabbing "above the belt.") Foley was in full "heel-Mankind" mode here, making nerdy jokes while attacking the men with bodyslams (onto the couch) and tosses through the stair bannisters. The actual fight between the men and women appeared stolen from the Mankind/Rock Halftime Heat match in 1999 with all of the slams and tosses through plates of food in the kitchen. It was a very silly cameo, which ended with Mankind hanging out with Eric and Jack in their new, smaller apartment and threatening to beat them both up when he gets called a bully, but the timing of this innocent appearance makes it better: at the time, Mankind was called "the worst offender" on television by the Parent Television Council for his violence on WWF Smackdown!; at the same moment, the PTC declared Boy Meets World to be one of the best family shows on television. The irony...

The 'House is a father of two and husband of one in Minnesota. He is an improv comedian, and in his spare time follows WWE, MLB, The Simpsons, and Bob's Burgers. Growing up he was a huge fan of He-Man, and refuses to believe that it was in fact terrible.