WWE: 15 Biggest Drawing Stars Of The Attitude Era

8. Bret Hart

A man who enjoyed a great deal of success prior to the Attitude Era, Bret Hart was one of the men who actually gave birth to the most successful period in WWE history. His match with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin at WrestleMania 13 is cited by many as a match that kicked off the Attitude Era, when Hart turned heel to the shock of millions around the world. However, even as a heel, he managed to draw heat and reactions wherever he went, making him a valuable addition to this list. And he was central to one of the most controversial moments in the Attitude Era, when he lost out to Shawn Michaels in what has been dubbed the "Montreal Screwjob". If you are looking for someone who played a defining role in the era with huge impact, then they don't come much bigger than Bret Hart.

Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.