WWE: 15 Things That Would Greatly Improve WrestleMania

7. Reduce WrestleMania Season

WrestleMania 19 was one of the greatest events ever. It took place in March of 2003, leaving a more traditional gap between pay per view events. For WrestleMania 30 the gap is extended, with a recent trend of April Mania slots. This means we have six weeks of WWE between Elimination Chamber and WrestleMania this year, which is way too over-extending of the natural lifespan of the top feuds. As such WWE has to stretch storylines out, meaning we get repeated angles and over exposed production. The extra week into April is a drain for everyone involved, the audience, the wrestlers, it doesn't help anyone. When you consider that WrestleMania season starts from January's Royal Rumble, it really should be all over by the end of March. Anything further, even a week, is an over-extension. If WWE endeavoured to make their feud timeline more concise, it would avoid feelings of staleness for certain feuds by the time WrestleMania rolls around.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.