WWE: 15 Things That Would Greatly Improve WrestleMania

1. Honour The Royal Rumble

The biggest problem with WrestleMania for me over the years has been the disregard of the Royal Rumble. The perfect story-arc exists for WWE with the Rumble to Mania journey, a heroic underdog overcoming the odds in the Royal Rumble to chase down the treasure and defeat the villain at WrestleMania. It's the story which made a star of Steve Austin in 1998 and Brock Lesnar in 2003. Yet nowadays, the Rumble dynamic into Mania has been bastardised. Perhaps what really killed the meaning was when Sheamus won the Rumble in 2012, only to then wrestle the curtain jerker match of Mania 28 where he won the World Title in 18 seconds. What was the point of investing a Rumble win in someone for that? It was arguably worse this year, Batista won the Rumble with zero momentum and no interest in him main eventing WrestleMania. The perfect story arc WWE possesses from January to April needs reinstating to its former glory. If WWE implements just some of these recommendations, I'm sure they will only strengthen the success story that is WrestleMania.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.