WWE: 15 Things That Would Greatly Improve WrestleMania

11. A Proper Finish

WrestleMania is certainly not the place to do a screwy finish. The event to be considered special needs to be treated with reverence, the presentation needs to be sophisticated. The ramifications of an unclean finish where most harshly felt at WrestleMania 17, Vince McMahon helped Steve Austin defeat The Rock, effectively killing the Attitude Era in the process. WWE has learned their lesson since that fateful day, we now more often than not get a clean finish to the show, but this should also be the case throughout the card. Mania should about definitive matches with concrete winners and losers. When you look back to shoddy finishes such as WrestleMania 9, it really cheapens the presentation and stature of the brand. Let's hope at WrestleMania 30 WWE gives fans the clean finish we demand. One worry is that with fans locked into the Network, WWE are far more free to present their content in a longer context. Some fans are worrying a final Bryan screwjob will take place at Mania before he wins the belt from Batista at May's Extreme Rules. Let's hope this isn't the case. Bryan's time is now at WrestleMania 30 in a clean and convincing victory.
WWE Writer

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