WWE: 15 Things That Would Greatly Improve WrestleMania

10. Innovate The Production Techniques

Mania is a pretty slick presentation as it is, a HD broadcast complete with fancy graphics and video packages. For fans in attendance there's also the pyrotechnics and lighting, Kevin Dunn's WWE production team do a great job of polishing up the product. Can they do better? Absolutely. Innovation in the production area hasn't really developed much over the last decade. WWE has been running big arenas and stadiums for years now with the same setup and processes. Compare this to the pre-Austin era and production regularly changed, innovation was clear for all to see every few years. Is the current years old standards because the technology progress has slowed or because the WWE are set in their ways? A bit of both perhaps, but the WWE should certainly think about how they can innovate. Presenting WrestleMania in new and interesting ways, with a new polish, would be a compelling way to make fans feel like we are part of a new and exciting era in pro wrestling.
WWE Writer

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