WWE 2006 PPVs From Worst To Best

8. No Way Out

The Good: Kurt Angle and The Undertaker delivered a sterling main event. This was the best the Dead Man had looked for years, totally hanging with the world-class Olympic gold medalist. The 'controversial' ending didn't necessarily need to be tacked on, but at least it gave them an excuse to have a rematch on Smackdown. Randy Orton momentarily robbed Rey Mysterio of his WrestleMania main event when he defeated him in the semi-main event. Not that it mattered, since Teddy Long just gave it back to Rey Rey a few days later because he felt sorry for him. Still, at least the two had a decent match. Booker T and Chris Benoit was good, even if their series was past the point of played-out. The Cruiserweight Title scramble match was decent and JBL did his best to get something out of the still green Bobby Lashley. The Bad: How disappointing was the reveal of Tatanka as Matt Hardy's mystery tag team partner? You could practically feel the apathy seeping through your TV screen! But really, this was a three match show and all three matches delivered. The Rest: The Boogeyman beat Simon Dean in the dark match.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...