WWE 2006 PPVs From Worst To Best

7. WrestleMania 22

The Good: WrestleMania 22 was marketed with the tagline 'Big Time!' and, whilst it certainly isn't one of the biggest 'Manias of all-time, it is a damn fine supershow. The MITB Ladder Match was a damn entertaining train wreck, which saw Ric Flair take an insane superplex off the top of the ladder. Chris Benoit and JBL's US Title match was fine, but most would expect more out of a Benoit WrestleMania match. Edge and Mick Foley stole the show with their engrossing hardcore match. Edge was determined to become a singles star in 2006 and Foley was determined to help get him there. Selfless. Trish Stratus and Mickie James had a great Women's Title match. The heat was off the charts and the action was good, until the bungled finish, at least. The No Holds Barred match between Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon was the best McMahon match of the year (and there were a lot of them...). And finally, Triple H and John Cena had a suitably epic main event, which was as much fun to watch for the in-ring action as it was for the crowd response to it (this was in the early days of the Cena hate). The Bad: The Orton/Mysterio/Angle WHC match should have been given a lot more time. That these three were only given nine minutes, the same amount of time as Benoit/JBL and Trish/Mickie (and less than other matches), was an insult. The match was good, considering the time they had. Undertaker and Mark Henry's casket match ranks amongst the most boring Streak matches ever...Booker T & Sharmell vs. The Boogeyman was useless....as was Candice Michelle and Torrie Wilson's pillow fight. The Rest: CM Punk famously made an appearance as a Tommy Gun-toting gangster for John Cena's prohibition-inspired entrance.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...