WWE 2007 PPVs From Worst To Best

1. WrestleMania 23

The Good: A record-setting show in terms of attendance and PPV buys, WrestleMania 23 also managed to hit (mostly) the right notes inside the ring. The Money in the Bank got things off to a great start and Kennedy was (at the time) the right choice for the winner. With Edge, Orton, Booker, The Hardys and Punk all in there, it was certainly star-studded. Chris Benoit continued to take MVP to school in their US Title match. Batista and Undertaker felt they had a lot to prove after their WHC match was place in the midcard. The 'Steamboat versus Savage' of the show, they had what many considered to be the best match of the night. It was also Undertaker's first truly show-stealing match of his WrestleMania career. Donald Trump, Vince McMahon and Steve Austin totally overshadowed Umaga and Lashley in the Battle of the Billionaires but so what. It was highly entertaining stuff, with Vince on top form. Still, it's hard for me to wrap my head around a scenario were the Presidential candidate is a babyface. Finally, Shawn Michaels and John Cena had a cracking WWE Title match in the main event. This 30-minute blinder built tremendously towards the finishing stretch, although the clean submission finish left the fans in Detroit deflated. The Bad: WWE tried to recreate the Hogan/Andre WrestleMania III bodyslam with The Great Khali and Kane. The Great Khali. And Kane. Lol. Melina versus Ashley was a car wreck, there only to promote Ashley's Playboy cover issue. The Rest: Would you look at that? The biggest show of the year was actually the best for once.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...