WWE 2007 PPVs From Worst To Best

2. Backlash

The Good: Pretty much everything, actually. Backlash 2007 was a great show that got the sports/entertainment balance absolutely spot on. The Hardys versus Cade & Murdoch opener was fun, Mickie James versus Melina was competitive and exciting, Chris Benoit's 'student versus teacher' outing with MVP was a good game of human chess, Batista and The Undertaker traded heavy-duty bombs in their Last Man Standing belter and Edge/Cena/Michaels/Orton main event was just excellent. This was like a version of WrestleMania without the added pressure that goes with that show. The guys and gals delivered and the booking was, for the most part, on-point. This is a breeze to watch. The Bad: I'm sure a lot of us could have done without seeing Vince McMahon as ECW Champion but it is what it is. It didn't really matter in the long run, did it? The Rest: There was absolutely nothing outright dumb on this show, a miracle for a WWE PPV. It's all about the wrestling, baby.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...