WWE 2K23: 8 New Features You Need To Know About

5. Advanced Customisation On Created Entrances

WWE 2K23 John Cena
2K Games

Hey, ever fancied layering the nWo's monochrome madness over the first part of your CAW's entrance, but then everything bursts into a vomit-inducing sea of colour seconds later? That was the beauty of an advanced create-an-entrance suite before, but then that got lost in translation.

It got dropped from the feature set, for some unknown reason.

2K23 will offer more control than ever before over what happens from the moment your created wrestler steps through the curtain though. Being able to tamper with each individual step should be a barrel of laughs, and so should experimenting with all the usual lighting, pyro, crowd responses etc.

This sort of customisation is big for many in the player base every year. That's why they clamour for Create-A-Story to make a grand return - people love the chance to get quite technical with every aspect of the game. They want to make it their WWE world, basically.

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