WWE 2K23: 8 New Features You Need To Know About

3. MyRise Imports

WWE 2K23 John Cena
2K Games

This is a minor change, but an important one.

When yours truly launched WWE 2K22 for the first time, he instantly jumped into the creation suite and spent hours building a painstakingly-excellent (how modest) CAW that he could whizz through the career mode with. Then, there was a horrific realisation: THAT WASN'T POSSIBLE.

Instead, MyRise tasked players with creating a wrestler right at the start of that mode too. You couldn't import grapplers from the general creation suite! Huh?! Thankfully, 2K has ironed out that maddening wrinkle to allow imports to MyRise at any point.

This was a change they needed to make. It made no sense at all to keep the Create-A-Wrestler suites in MyRise and elsewhere separate when they're effectively the exact same thing. Think of this as a small quality of life tweak that'll stop some from tearing their hair out when they first boot up the game.

You don't need that wasted time.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.