WWE 2K25: 15 Best WCW CAWs You Need To Download
11. Booker T

Creator: neoeau
Downloads: 21
Look, there's probably a reason why the download count there is so low. After all, a WWE-ified Booker T is on-disc in 2K25, and there's even a hidden 2001 version if you look hard enough in some of the modes (Psst! MyFaction!). So, the number of folks looking for a short-haired, moustache-sporting CAW of Booker from the year 2000 is likely small.
This writer was one of them though, and there must be others.
Most of the "WCW" downloads for Book just take his in-game model and slap some new attire on top of it. That's fine, but it doesn't feel nearly authentic enough if you want to go properly old school. Ditch the shortlived GI Bro gimmick Vince Russo stuck on Booker in 2000 and go back to his celebrated WCW World Title revival instead.
10. Sid Vicious

Creator: Rudakizz
Downloads: 1,015
Or, if this floats your boat, just chokeslam and powerbomb everyone as the mighty Sid.
Being totally upfront, this Rudakizz creation is actually called Sid Justice, not Vicious. Sid was Sid, to be fair. Whether Sycho, Vicious, Justice or just plain Sid, the big guy proved to be one of the most popular stars in both WWE and WCW throughout the 90s. OK, so the preview box makes him seem a tad squashed above. Don't fret about that. Sid looks full size during matches.
Vicious maintained a similar look no matter what he was doing in either major company anyway, so this could pass as a 2000-era Sid if you really want it to. Or, it could make him Vader's tag partner like it's 1993 all over again. Your Universe, your rules.