WWE 2K25: 15 Best WCW CAWs You Need To Download
5. Ric Flair

Creator: IceBone
Downloads: 635
Word to the wise: There's an even better Ric Flair creation waiting for you elsewhere. It's a sweet 1992 WWF look for the 'Nature Boy', and it's easy to find. It's actually one of WWE 2K25's most downloaded CAWs at time of writing. Those seeking something a little more NWA/WCW will like what IceBone has uploaded on the side.
The hair is very late-80s/early-90s Ric, so it might not be right for anyone whipping up a storm with their late-90s WCW Universe Mode saves. However, the hairdo can easily be changed without switching anything else. Flair didn't age too much during that decade anyway. He only started showing it deeper into his second WWE run after the fact.
Woo-n't you please give IceBone some more downloads?
4. Buff Bagwell

Downloads: 967
CAW packages that encapsulate multiple looks/gimmicks for a wrestler are the best. No, that black attire on the right there isn't full blown nWo Buff Bagwell, but it's darn close. Besides, the ever-trusty ATTITUDECREATIONZ has already uploaded an alternate version of Buff that does veer towards the New World Order side. That's worth getting your hands on too.
Fans who fancy Bagwell as a solo artist sans nWo colours will enjoy this creation. It's 'Buff Daddy' brilliance from a dude who has had one hell of a life. His 'Dark Side Of The Ring' episode was bloody wild. Honestly. Needless to say, you won't be shooting Bagwell's father when you play as him in 2K25.
You can set the world to rights by giving him a fairer shake than the one WWF/WWE match Buff got in 2001, at least.