WWE: 30 Things That Must Happen After WrestleMania 30

10. Bring Back Vince McMahon To TV As A Face Chairman

The return of Vince McMahon to television is reportedly imminent. When he does comeback, it should be as a babyface chairman. The bad guy boss has been done to death under Triple H, it's time for a good guy to reign, it'll give Raw a fresh feeling. Subconsciously it might also turn around some of the negativity toward WWE in general, if Vince is on TV making a load of pleasing decisions then it'll help perceptions that WWE is a fan friendly company. The storyline should be that the board has removed Hunter and Stephanie from power and Mr McMahon has returned to Raw personally to improve the show. Ratings follow Vince, so it'll definitely be good for business.

9. Cut The Deadwood

Jtg You need the non-personalities in wrestling to an extent, someone needs to act as a jobber to the stars. The problem is, very quickly, jobbers lose all meaning. There's only so many times someone can lose before their worth becomes void, a win for a star only means something if they beat someone with at least an ounce of threat. There'll be somewhat of a spring clean of the roster this spring. It's undoubtedly needed, there are so many guys (and girls) littering the roster right now with no real purpose or potential. Names need clearing out and replacing with new talent from NXT. Who should go? Anyone with nothing going on, which might even mean some unpopular choices ... what's the point in keeping the likes of Brodus Clay around if you aren't going to use him? The likes of JTG meanwhile have been expecting for a release for some time now.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.