WWE: 30 Things That Must Happen After WrestleMania 30

6. Re-Focus The Product Toward Wrestling

As part of WWE's TV rights negotiations, they've sold their product as 'live sports' over the traditional entertainment focus. This can only be a good thing for wrestling fans, surely this means more in-ring athletic action! WWE should enforce these changes after WrestleMania, totally rewashing the entire brand toward a sport element. Everything from the production lighting and stage presentation should be redone. The company should communicate to the audience that with these changes a new era in pro wrestling (headed by Daniel Bryan) is being embarked upon. The matches themselves should be removed away from gimmicks and focused upon athletes. With top stars being elevated such as Cesaro, that won't be hard for WWE to implement.

5. Push Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes could be a huge star in WWE, a future WrestleMania headlining Champion ... he just needs the chance. It looked as if his time was approaching last year after a well received summer face turn. His work in this period was excellent, if you revisit Battleground 2013, Cody got one of the loudest pops of the entire year when he hit his finisher on Seth Rollins of the Shield. It looked as if a star was born that night, and you presumed he would have went on to split away for an even bigger singles run by now. It hasn't been the case unfortunately. WWE haven't acted on Cody's momentum, as a result, he's receded back into a bit of irrelevancy just now. That's a massive shame when you consider the quality of matches he consistently delivered last year, this guy deserves promoting to the next level. WWE should get back on board with Cody this spring. Have a monster heel write Goldust out of the story with a vicious beating and book Cody to take revenge. Batista perhaps after he's done with Bryan, and have him also put Rhodes over. At the end of the day, the long term future is guys like Cody Rhodes, not Dave Batista.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.