WWE: 30 Things That Must Happen After WrestleMania 30

24. End The Authority

The Authority storyline started in August 2013, and it already felt stale by November. It's certainly high time for the story to conclude, presumably Hunter loses at WrestleMania, so the next night on Raw he should be relieved of his duties, writing him off television for a while. It makes sense in reality for Hunter to want to leave his on-air role, he has a heavy workload as an executive, he probably wants to get away from the cameras and focus more on his backstage role producing Raw. I have something else in store for Vince McMahon later in this feature, so instead, WWE should book the board of directors to fire Hunter. Have it in an angle where Stephanie is forced to fire her husband the night after WrestleMania.

23. Keep Stephanie As A Heel Manager

Stephanie McMahon has done some of her best ever heel work this past few weeks. Her screeching promos and evil expressions have been fabulous in building the drama, she's the one highlight of the Authority storyline. It seems a waste to get rid of her now, so WWE should re-book her to manage a wrestler. Have her come to the ring with Hunter the night after Mania, telling him the news that he let the company down, YOU'RE FIRED. It helps put a bit of sympathy on Hunter before his absence, and also helps to elevate Stephanie's heel credentials further. Later in the night, as she prepared to exit WWE herself, a mid card heel wrestler could approach her asking her to be their manager. Make it someone who needs a mouthpiece and some relevancy such as Sheamus. He's going nowhere as a face, with Stephanie by his side, he'd be on the road to bigger things.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.