WWE: 30 Things That Must Happen After WrestleMania 30

22. Sheamus As A Heel For Bryan

In discussing Sheamus as a heel, he should really be used as a foil for Bryan throughout the spring once the YES star is done with Batista. Their careers have been tied already in a championship context, who will ever forget Mania 28 when the Irishman beat Bryan for the World title just 18 seconds into a curtain jerker match. That history can be tied into a 2014 feud, Sheamus goading Bryan over it, enhancing his threat to the title. A bitter nasty Irishman trying to stop Bryan this Spring sounds as good a program as any for the new WWE Champion, Sheamus was in fact the original match scheduled for Bryan at WrestleMania 30. WWE want to do the contest, they want to make a big deal of Sheamus. Stephanie as a manager and Sheamus battling Bryan will help him boost his profile, and of course, Stephanie has her own history with Bryan too.

21. The Money In The Bank Winner Should Be Dolph Ziggler

Last time Dolph Ziggler was Mr Money In The Bank, it carried him to the absolute peak of his career. Due to getting a bit ahead of himself with arrogance toward creative, his career then promptly fell off a cliff. Having now served a year in the doghouse, it's time for WWE to reinstate Ziggler's standing in the company, it's time to reignite the man who possesses both in-ring skill and microphone prowess. With the proper push, many people think WWE could have the next Shawn Michaels on their hands in Dolph Ziggler. The way to get him hot again is simply put him on the same track he was on in 2012. Give him the MITB briefcase and have him hold it for a long time. The constant association with Ziggler as a future champion will help elevate him. I would go the whole way this time and book the cash in for WrestleMania 31. It's an angle WWE need to pull at some point, and imagine the Raw cash in from last year but on a Mania scale. It would be great.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.