WWE: 30 Things That Must Happen After WrestleMania 30

18. Ditch WWE Studios

Wwe Studios What's the point of doing a business venture if it doesn't actually make any money? WWE Studios is a financial black hole for WWE, they have spent $132 million on production costs only to reap back $107 million in revenue. Where's the sense in that? It isn't as if they are even making films people want to see, the product often plain sucks and is either direct to television or DVD. WWE should save themselves the effort and money, just imagine what they could do if they put their energy toward something worthwhile like better production of their wrestling events.

17. Tie Up All The Other Loose Business Ends

From a corporate point of view, WWE has an absolute load of important issues to tie up once WrestleMania season is over. The most vital announcement will be their new TV deal. They're hoping to double their TV rights fees and much of the recent stock rise has been linked to this. WWE must follow through, they must announce a successful new TV deal this Spring. The other thing that WWE needs to do is announce how many Network subscribers they achieved. This will be very important, success or failure, WWE need to make sure they react in the appropriate way. Long term they simply can't afford to fail on the Network.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.