WWE: 30 Things That Must Happen After WrestleMania 30

20. Make Cesaro A Huge Babyface

There seems a good chance that WWE will turn Cesaro a face and make a big deal of him in the next few months, we are already seeing the cracks between the Swiss star and partner Jack Swagger. Vince McMahon is said to have became a fan of the talented grappler, likewise John Cena has expressed his appreciation for Cesaro. WWE should push him as hard as they can as a face, he could be a Kurt Angle style favourite, over because of his excellence in the ring as much as anything else. I envision Cesaro at the very top of the mid card this summer, a babyface opponent for the heels such as Swagger and then the Wyatt Family. Imagine how good Bray vs Cesaro would be.

19. Improve B Level PPV Quality

Wwe Network Image Toward the business side of things, WWE must improve their B level PPV efforts in a big way. The standard of these shows had became so bad, replete with screwy finishes and no coherency, that some fans were given refunds in the Autumn of 2013. WWE have to do way better. Even the supposed 'Big four' PPV of Survivor Series was booked as an abortion, with the result being the worst buyrate for the annual PPV in the modern era. It isn't hard for WWE to improve. Just think stories out and put the most compelling characters together. There's no reason they can't improve things, fans should never be left dissatisfied from a 60 dollar purchase, there should always be a redeeming feature of the events. The worrying thing is, with fans now locked into the Network, WWE actually has more breadth than ever to do what they wish with with PPV content.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.