WWE: 4 Reasons Why Ryback Is Nothing Like Goldberg
1. Ryback Actually Drops A Match
Do you know the official amount of times Goldberg lost in his entire career in WCW? Six. In WWE, about the same. Do you know how many of those were won legit and without interference? None. And do any of you realize how ridiculous that is? It is quite amazing how so called wrestling fans can give John Cena all the crap in the world about being unbeatable but seemingly give Goldberg a get out of jail free card. Although Ryback did have a winning streak upon his introduction, it was nothing on the now infamous (and somewhat mythological) 174-0. And according to backstage reports from both in WCW and WWE it seemingly was his refusal to job to anyone deemed "beneath him" that also contributed to his winning ways. Hell I even once read that it was the reason he didn't re-sign, because he didn't like how WWE made him lose (might be untrue, but who knows). Which was exactly what was wrong with professional wrestling back in the day and one of the reasons why WCW went out of business. Ryback on the other hand, has not only willingly jobbed to people (Wrestlemania anyone?) but acknowledges in just about every interview he has had that he is extremely appreciative of the faith the company has in him and wishes to do anything to further his career and his skillset for the better. Now that statement right there is really all the argument I need to prove that he is nothing like Goldberg. And considering he lost legit at Hell in a Cell proves this in full. Ryback is "what's best for business." Goldberg was not, and was one of the reasons I turned off WCW. Nothing is more boring in pro wrestling than predictability, which defines his career in full. Isn't this why you all hate John Cena?