WWE: 5 Awesome Intercontinental Champions and 5 That Sucked

1. Mr. Perfect

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1bsAeyj8QA Unlike Pat Patterson, the tournament Mr. Perfect won to receive the vacant Intercontinental Title was legit. While having held the belt twice, Perfect's combined days as champ wasn't that long, but like many of the great Intercontinental Champions his performances were some of the best. That's why it's a huge honor when people compare Dolph Ziggler's bumping to Mr. Perfect. It just makes everyone involved look great. Like when Perfect helped in making the Texas Tornado look like he belonged in the WWE during their feud. Unfortunately, Mr. Perfect was never able to make it to that next level and secure himself a WWE Title run. It is why he's another wrestler that is often always associated with a particular title; that being the Intercontinental Title. It just looked good on him. Eventually, Mr. Perfect had to take some time off due to back injuries which resulted in his title loss to Bret Hart. While Bret was the perfect wrestler to continue the legacy of the worker Intercontinental Champion, it's hard not to think of just how much more Perfect could've done as IC Champion given a little more time, or at least a third title run.
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When not toiling away in day job obscurity, writes unproduced screenplays. Obsessed with professional wrestling, film, TV, music, and comics. And yes, in that order. Doesn’t mind spoilers. Follow him on twitter @olschooljabroni or e-mail him at oldschooljabronies@gmail.com. Or visit the www.oldschooljabronies.com.