WWE: 5 Awful Gimmicks That Lasted Longer Than They Should Have

4. Simon Dean: The Simon System

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voDEhn2eBjM In mid-2004, Mike Bucci had been wrestling for Ohio Valley Wrestling - WWE's main development organisation - until he was called upon to wrestle dark matches on Smackdown. It was at this point that he decided to try out a fitness expert-themed gimmick. And how we wish he hadn't. The character was named Simon Dean - a tribute to the real name of Dean Malenko (Dean Simon), a wrestler whom Simon Dean wasn't fit to lace the boots of - and he would become one of the most annoying men in the WWE for 2 whole years. The gimmick was based around Dean's 'Simon System', a diet and exercise scheme said to work wonders on even the most out-of-shape individuals (as shown in some of his promo videos). Dean would head to the ring on a god-damned Segway, which kicked things off badly for starters. He would then proceed to insult the crowd, calling them all fat and unhealthy, before - at least at first - easily beating a jobber and force-feeding them his supplement products after the match was over. It didn't take long, however, for Dean to become a jobber himself and he never really beat anyone of note. A 'highlight' (if you can call it that) of his spell with WWE came when he very briefly managed 'The Gymini' (a pair of twins who supposedly used the Simon System and actually had one of the most devastating tag-team finishing moves I've ever seen), but this angle was cut short when one of the twins suffered an injury. In August of 2006, Mike Bucci would put an end to the gimmick and his in-ring career in order to concentrate on helping WWE's development superstars, thus ending the dismal 2 year run of one of the most excruciating gimmicks in WWE history.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.