2. Mr. Perfect

As with a number of the names that will be examined in this article, Mr. Perfect enjoyed a dominant reign as Intercontinental Champion. It will be worth noting at this point that at the time all of these men were part of the WWF (as it was then known), the Intercontinental Championship was held in a lot higher prestige and viewed as much more of a bigger achievement than it is in today's product. Mr. Perfect was a classic gimmick. Curt Hennig portrayed this character perfectly (pardon the choice of words), and he enjoyed memorable feuds with Bret Hart and Lex Luger amongst others. These two aforementioned stars went on to Main Event status with Hart winning the WWF Championship on multiple occasions, however Mr. Perfect was always seemingly stuck in the Midcard with the exception of a World Championship feud with Hulk Hogan during his first run with the company in late 1989. Fantastic on the mic as well as technically fantastic inside the ring, watching Mr. Perfect was always entertaining whether it be in the ring, as a Manager or on the commentary team. It was perhaps these skills that would be his biggest curse, as he had such an ability to put other performers over that a lot of his time was seemingly spent elevating others to the next level rather than being given the opportunity himself. So what if he were a part of the WWE roster today? On the technical front, Perfect could be compared to the likes of Daniel Bryan. Going back a few years, to the time in which the more technical stars enjoyed a high level of success, it could be seen that he would have been a big name at the same time that Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero rose to the top of the company. Despite impressing when he returned to the roster in 2002, Hennig's final run unfortunately only lasted 5 months due to a number of isolated incidents culminating with an issue involving himself and Brock Lesnar on the infamous 'Plane Ride From Hell'. If Mr. Perfect were a character in today's WWE, you could imagine he would have had a strong backing from the Internet Community due to technical skill, as well as a big push in the company with his great heel based gimmick. It's can almost certainly be seen he would have been a major Champion in the company today.