WWE: 5 Candidates For Hall of Fame Celebrity Wing

5. Motörhead

lemmy from motorhead Heavy rock and rollers Motörhead have friends in high places, having performed entrance music for Paul €œTriple H€ Levesque on two separate occasions (€œThe Game€ in 2001 and €œKing of Kings€ in 2006) and donating their track €œLine in the Sand€ to the faction Evolution. The band has also performed live at two WrestleMania events, WrestleMania X-Seven and WrestleMania 21, at Triple H€™s request. "Rock Out" from the album Motörizer was also used as the theme song for Unforgiven 2008. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMxAVLEuRPc Given WWE€™s preferential treatment toward the band and Triple H€™s position as Executive Vice President, Talent and Live Events, it wouldn't be surprising to see Motörhead enter the WWE Hall of Fame celebrity wing someday.
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Izzy is a copywriter and journalist from London, writing on all things entertainment.