WWE: 5 Dream Matches That Never Happened (And Never Will)

3. Evolution vs. The Shield vs. The nWo

nwoMatch Type: Triple Threat Tag Match This would be an interesting, but perhaps a messy match. To make it more palpable, it would have to be decided with two men per faction. Batista and Flair from Evolution, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins from The Shield and Hall and Nash representing The nWo. This would be a nice match involving these six men. Three established teams and all who have experience with gold at the top. Who would win out? It is obvious that without Triple H, Evolution are the weakest team here in almost every way, so Flair would probably take the pin for his team, after being bloodied and beaten via a Jackknife powerbomb. There by leaving The Shield vs. The Outsiders. And that'd actually be a very even match up in their prime: similar height and weight, and both make a great tag team. This would be the real treat of this dream match grouping. The build and promos would be excellent. Even though either team in this one is a heel team, this could book itself. In the end, Shield would go over. I would guess the end would come after a series of interference or a huge spot(like a Shield triple powerbomb). Reigns would hit the spear for the win. Winner: The Shield http://youtu.be/edWfXz7vBOA
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Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on WViDesk.com. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.