WWE: 5 Dream Matches That Never Happened (And Never Will)

2. The Undertaker vs. Sting

wrestlemania-27-sting-vs-undertaker_crop_340x234Match Type: Hell in a Cell This is a match that I have called for three straight years, next year will be the fourth. Sadly, I doubt it will ever happen. If it does, it will not be pretty. It may not even be any good, but three years ago it could have been. Ten years ago, it would have been. And 15 years ago, it would have changed everything. This match is the greatest loss to the IWC ever, as even if it happened tomorrow the window for the best past between these two is gone. That said on paper, it writes itself. Similar body type, moveset and a presence that commands respect. Both are icons; The Undertaker is the WWE while Sting was the spirit of WCW. It would have been the greatest Wrestlemania match of the Streak. This match could have been done at Wrestlemania 2000, or instead of the awful Hell in the Cell match at Wrestlemania 15. But this was not to be. We came close to this again three years ago, and Sting has gone on record saying how close he was to taking the deal for the match. It is no secret that he'd like to work with The Deadman, but again we got no match between these two. 97d3d80a03f674c8721f415987ccebb0 So, what if this happened when it should have? Well it would be a duel of theatrics and showmanship. The dark magic of Ministry-era Undertaker would be have to be used as would Sting's bag of WCW tricks. The build would have taken care of itself. These are the best each company ever had and know what to do. That match, at their peak, would be good. But just how good? I have no idea. I have no reference point; although I bet it would have been memorable. Nobody will ever end that Streak, even on a dream match list, Taker would have to get the win in this match. Although the resulting WWE Hall of Fame induction and a Best of DVD for Sting is not a bad consolation prize. Winner: The Undertaker
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Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on WViDesk.com. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.