WWE: 5 Dream Matches That Never Happened (And Never Will)

1. Steve Austin vs. Goldberg

usMatch Type: Falls Count AnywhereIs there any other match that could top the last one? No, of course not. Austin vs. Goldberg was what everyone wanted to see who grew up in the late 90's. We thought it was never going to happen, and we were right. It was close to happening but due to bad timing, it never occurring. The match itself, it had of happened, would most likely have been bad. I'd say it would have been very bad. The failed dream match at Wrestlemania XX between Brock Lesnar and Goldberg is a testament to this. I have no doubt the promos would be great and the atmosphere would be electric. It would be awesome until the bell rang. Then reality would hit, even if this were done with both guys at their peak, the match would flop in the end! I know, you're upset. Just go with me here. What match could these two mortal men put on that could deliver on the years of hype? None. The disappointment felt towards the Rock and Cena in their programme is an example of this very thing. There are some matches that are too big to be done, and this is the biggest. Austin would walk away as the victor but we all would lose after this one. The match that will think should have happened is better than the match that would have happened. Winner: "Stone Cold" Steve AustinWhat matches should be here? Do you agree or disagree with my list? Leave your comments below.
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Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on WViDesk.com. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.