WWE: 5 Masked Wrestlers Who Could Replace Rey Mysterio

2. El Hijo de Rey Misterio AKA Rey Misterio, Jr

El Hijo de Rey Misterio Who better to replace Rey Mysterio than Rey Mysterio? For those readers unfamiliar with wrestling in the Luchador tradition it is common place for a new guy on the block to be trained by a veteran and take his name, simply adding Junior to the title. Remember when Rey wrestled in WCW - he was Rey Mysterio, Jr. To our knowledge he never used the Junior moniker while under a WWE contract so it would make sense to bring in the new Rey and rather than try to pass him off as the current Rey slap him with the Junior name and introduce him as the next generation. El Hijo (real name Miguel Aarón López Hernández) is no rip off or cheap imitation he's the real deal. As the cousin of WWE's Oscar Gutiérrez and the son of the original Rey Mysterio, Sr (Miguel ngel López Díaz) he's entitled to use the name for himself and there's nothing WWE can do about it. Why risk him signing a deal with TNA or another competitor and drawing in fans who are confused by the name? Sign him now and begin the passing of the torch.
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Rey Mysterio
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