WWE: 5 Rarely Seen Gimmick Matches That Should Return In 2014

1. The Re-Imagined Elimination Chase Match

Does anybody out there remember the Elimination Chase concept from WWE ECW? For those that don€™t, here€™s a refresher: It was a match concept last used in 2007 which pitted four superstars in a four-way match, with a ECW Title shot on the line. When the first fall was counted, the match was over and the person pinned or made to submit would be eliminated. The next week there would be a Triple Threat featuring the three surviving competitors, and whoever was pinned or made to submit in that contest would be eliminated, leaving the two final competitors to battle in a singles match the next week to decide the number one contender for the ECW Title. This concept was a pretty fun one, but needed something more to make it truly something special. The WWE should re-introduce this concept, with some tweaks, and see how the WWE Universe reacts to what would be the first fresh concept since the introduction of the Championship Scramble (which could stand to make a comeback of it€™s own). The match under it€™s re-imagined rules would feature up to 10 superstars instead of four. The match would have 15-minute time limit, and in those 15 minutes, if you are made to submit or are pinned, you are eliminated. The remaining competitors will wrestle the following week in another timed match, where more superstars will be eliminated, so on and so forth until there is one winner. Each week could introduce a wrinkle as well, for instance one week eliminations can only be by pinfall, the next by submission, and the next by being put through a table, etc. There is an element of strategy here, where superstars can form alliances to survive deeper into the chase, or to eliminate bigger threats from the chase before the numbers dwindle. That dynamic would be fun to watch as superstars jockey for position in the social part of the Elimination Chase as well as manage the strategic elements of the match. We would get a better understanding of how superstars think through this match, which is one of the weaknesses of the WWE€™s current mid-card (the fact that we don€™t understand what any of them want or if they have any strategy on how to achieve their goals). Furthermore this match concept is very similar to that of the currently popular Hunger Games book/film series (minus the killing). WWE can capitalize on the popularity of the series for themselves by marketing this match in a way that could more bring eyes to their product. The match has a lot of potential narratively and can be a marketing dream for the WWE if pushed the right way. Figure out what the superstars involved are chasing (a title shot, a trophy, one request of their choice fulfilled no questions asked, etc.) and give the concept a whirl. People love multi-man matches and people love to see superstars implementing real strategy. It would be a hit!
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Jeff Hardy
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Matthew J. Douglas is an emerging screenwriter born in Toronto. A lifelong fascination with what makes a compelling story and the Toni Morrison quote "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." led the often opinionated Matthew to the life of writer. Matthew is also a lifelong WWE fan, and a self diagnosed Reality TV Junkie.