WWE: 5 Rarely Seen Gimmick Matches That Should Return In 2014

2. WarGames

This is a match that people have been clamoring for. For years wrestling fans have asked for WarGames to be brought back. €œUse it at Survivor Series to liven up the proceedings!€ some fans say, €œgive me two rings again!€ others cry. It isn€™t everyday that this many fans are on the exact same page about bringing back an old concept that hasn€™t been used since 1997. The WWE€™s stubbornness in not bringing back the concept is slightly baffling, but somewhat understandable. Setting up two rings in an arena requires more space than usual and would require the WWE seat less people than normal, which affects the gate gross, which isn€™t ideal for them. Plus using a match concept that was so heavily associated with WCW in the late 90s likely doesn€™t sit well with Vince McMahon. While the apprehension is understandable, it doesn€™t make wrestling fans want to see the bout any less. Understanding the difficulties that putting two rings in an arena presents, there are other ways that the WWE can put on a WarGames style match that won€™t affect their bottom line and won€™t be completely using the same format. At Elimination Chamber this year, the WWE could have had The Shield vs. The Wyatts take place in the Elimination Chamber structure, with the same general rules of War Games. It would have been a great visual, and interesting to see what the teams would do when they were outnumbered at certain junctures of the bout. WarGames can also be done in a Hell In A Cell with just one ring. Is it as visually or conceptually appealing as doing it with two rings or in the Chamber? Absolutely not, but the real appeal of WarGames is the strategy component, and doing the match in a Hell In A Cell works the same for that with one ring, just as well as it would work with two.
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Matthew J. Douglas is an emerging screenwriter born in Toronto. A lifelong fascination with what makes a compelling story and the Toni Morrison quote "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." led the often opinionated Matthew to the life of writer. Matthew is also a lifelong WWE fan, and a self diagnosed Reality TV Junkie.